What is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational Therapists help patients improve their ability to perform tasks in living and working environments. They work with individuals who suffer from a mentally, physically, developmentally, or emotionally disabling condition. Occupational therapists use treatments to develop, recover, or maintain the daily living and work skills of their patients. The therapist helps clients not only to improve their basic motor functions and reasoning abilities, but also to compensate for permanent loss of function. The goal is to help clients have independent, productive, and satisfying lives.

Occupational therapists help clients to perform all types of activities, from using a computer to caring for daily needs such as dressing, cooking, and eating. Physical exercises may be used to increase strength and dexterity, while other activities may be chosen to improve visual acuity or the ability to discern patterns. For example, a client with short-term memory loss might be encouraged to make lists to aid recall, and a person with coordination problems might be assigned exercises to improve hand-eye coordination. Occupational therapists also use computer programs to help clients improve decision-making, abstract-reasoning, problem-solving, and perceptual skills, as well as memory, sequencing, and coordination—all of which are important for independent living.

Patients with permanent disabilities, such as spinal cord injuries, cerebral palsy, or muscular dystrophy, often need special instruction to master certain daily tasks. For these individuals, therapists demonstrate the use of adaptive equipment, including wheelchairs, orthoses, eating aids, and dressing aids. They also design or build special equipment needed at home or at work, including computer-aided adaptive equipment. They teach clients how to use the equipment to improve communication and control various situations in their environment.

Some occupational therapists treat individuals whose ability to function in a work environment has been impaired. These practitioners might arrange employment, evaluate the work space, plan work activities, and assess the client’s progress. Therapists also may collaborate with the client and the employer to modify the work environment so that the client can succeed at work.

Assessing and recording a client’s activities and progress is an important part of an occupational therapist’s job. Accurate records are essential for evaluating clients, for billing, and for reporting to physicians and other healthcare providers.

Occupational therapists may work exclusively with individuals in a particular age group or with a particular disability. In schools, for example, they evaluate children’s capabilities, recommend and provide therapy, modify classroom equipment, and help children participate in school activities. A therapist may work with children individually, lead small groups in the classroom, consult with a teacher, or serve on an administrative committee. Some therapists provide early intervention therapy to infants and toddlers who have, or are at risk of having, developmental delays. Therapies may include facilitating the use of the hands and promoting skills for listening, following directions, social play, dressing, or grooming.

Other occupational therapists work with elderly patients. These therapists help the elderly lead more productive, active, and independent lives through a variety of methods. Therapists with specialized training in driver rehabilitation assess an individual’s ability to drive using both clinical and on-the-road tests. The evaluations allow the therapist to make recommendations for adaptive equipment, training to prolong driving independence, and alternative transportation options. Occupational therapists also work with clients to assess their homes for hazards and to identify environmental factors that contribute to falls.

Occupational therapists in mental health settings treat individuals who are mentally ill, developmentally challenged, or emotionally disturbed. To treat these problems, therapists choose activities that help people learn to engage in and cope with daily life. Activities might include time management skills, budgeting, shopping, homemaking, and the use of public transportation. Occupational therapists also work with individuals who are dealing with alcoholism, drug abuse, depression, eating disorders, or stress-related disorders.

Credit: US Dept. of Labor

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What is Physical Rehabilitation?

Physical Rehabilitation is a therapeutic program designed to assist patients who have experienced significant life changes due to undergoing an illness, injury, or surgical procedure. In short, it is a step-by-step process toward recovery. While the primary goal of physical rehabilitation is to restore independence, it also addresses physical limitations and adjustments expected to impact the individual’s life in the future.

There are many different types of physical rehabilitation programs that exist, but the broad areas generally fall under orthopedic, cardiopulmonary, neurological, pediatric, and geriatric. An additional category is integumentary physical rehabilitation, which relates to conditions affecting the skin, such as burns.

It might be tempting to regard physical rehabilitation therapy as a modern concept, but its practice actually dates back thousands of years. In fact, Hippocrates, also known as “the father of medicine,” advocated physical rehabilitation with innovative therapies of his time, including hydrotherapy and massage.

However, global acceptance and formalized training in this field didn’t occur until the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Finally, by the early 1920s, research into the potential benefits of physical therapy took off and several key physical rehabilitation organizations sprung up. This may be due in part to reports of the successful physical rehabilitation in American children who had been afflicted with polio.

While physical rehabilitation is typically recommended for those who have suffered an injury that led to amputation or other conditions that may impair mobility, it can also benefit those who have endured a life-altering event that poses minimal physical challenges.

For example, cancer patients that have undergone chemotherapy or surgery may only experience a minor loss of physical functioning but still face difficulties adjusting to life after treatment. Likewise, burn victims may not necessarily lose a limb, but face specific physical challenges simply due to the number of treatments and surgeries that may yet be pending.

The physical rehabilitation process involves a team of health care providers that generally begins with the patient’s primary physician. From there, the individual’s needs and concerns relating to physical discomfort or movement are evaluated and addressed accordingly. This may extend to pain management strategies and the development of a self-care program of exercises that the patient can perform at home.

In addition to the services of a physical therapist, an occupational therapist may also become a component of a tailored physical rehabilitation program.

Credit: Karyn Maier, Bronwyn Harris


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